Friday, November 20, 2009

the universe

If you are ever on the history channel I would advise you to watch "The Universe" it is a very interresting show which it explaines most of the universe's things and why they happen they interview top sciencetist's. So if you the show "The Universe"I would advise to watch it.

Black holes

Black hole is a term for a place where the gravity is so intense that not evan light can escape it. It is a event horisen where its a one way surface where things can go through buit cant come back. We know that they exist but we dont know how they are born or where they are born. We dont evan know what will happen if u fell into one but they are one of the universe's most powerful thing that it overwhelms everything else in the universe and we still dont know the answers to the important questions.The nearest black hole is alot of light years away.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

the first discovery of a exosloar planet

The first discovery of a extrasolar planet was made in 1995 on the 6 of October by Michel Mayor and Didier Queloz when they detected a extrasolar planet in the star system 51 pegasi.This planet was called HR 8799.By 2009 over 342 extrasolar planets have been discovered.Most of the planets have a bigger mass then Jupiter but they do range from being smaller than Mercury to being bigger than Jupiter.